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Stainless steel bars can also be works of art

Views: 271     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-10-19      Origin: Site


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Everyone may have been on the impression of stainless steel bar is more practical, commonly used in the electric axis and other places, the appearance will be relatively single, there is no artistic at all, But there is a no-ad, no-message, no-guide billboard on the Canada-US border called "Non-Sign II" that is made of welded stainless steel rods.

Non-Sign II

This work of art is part of a contemporary art project branch of a design firm of the US General Services Administration, a sculpture made of stainless steel rods (50*30*3), which is located at the border between Canada and the United States.

Like this installed in the outdoor case, generally choose 304 stainless steel, its good corrosion resistance, and high service life, is one of the better comprehensive performance of the new century steel, 304 is not easy to rust, stable chemical properties, is environmentally friendly materials, and the price of 304 stainless steel rod is also the price of all stainless steel rod is relatively low class.

This work makes us understand that stainless steel rods can also be used as works of art, not just industrial products, and the application range is extremely wide

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